Monday 23 April 2012

Hannah Cohen #2 - Child Bride / Don't Say


Today sees the release of Hannah Cohen's debut album 'Child Bride', her introduction to the world of music (after a successful career as a model) was the haunting beauty "The Crying Game", which stirs up similar emotions on its place towards the end of the LP, fluttering between the painful, torn moments that make the overriding mood of the album melancholic and blissful, there are though a couple of upbeat numbers like "California", a light and breezy departure where loosely strummed guitar and sweetly cooed vocals let in rays of sunshine, bright and catchy, it's a welcome addition to the record but it is those aching, heart wrenching moments that stay with you the longest.

"Don't Say" is simply divine, the sweeping guitar waltz and gentle drum brushes provide space for Hannah's vocals to pierce your heart, her voice is genuinely gorgeous possessing a devastating tone that is capable of shining like a star,or being sweet and mysterious, or being haunting and emotional, and then heartbroken all in the space of half an hour. It's without doubt what makes the album one of the finest of 2012 so far. You can pick your own superlatives, Hannah Cohen deserves them all.

The instrumentation is equally elegant as the central theme of love lost tugs at your every sense, it remains delicate and controlled throughout but once in a while it shimmers and swells luxuriously, never better than on the sublime "The Simplest" and another of the stand-out's "Shadows", a fragile, ethereal ballad that's one of the more heartfelt tracks in an album of them.

'Child Game' is the perfect soundtrack for a candlelit evening in with a loved one, or alone if you'd rather,the good news is the album is available to enjoy via Bella Union on CD/LP now and even better is news is that Hannah plays London's Vortex on May 9th (tickets) with a show at The Great Escape the following day. See you there TGE.

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