Tuesday 19 August 2014

The Mites - Wash Away


Heading way back in time on my email submissions folder now, August is normally a pretty quiet time for new releases and that seems to be the case again this year (there are of course exciting new tracks still coming through and I'm featuring them as I discover them).

Austin, Texas trio The Mites released "Wash Away" as long ago as last December and an email was promptly starred in my inbox, yet it's taken me some eight months to re-discover it, I'm a bit crap like that. The band have been quiet since April on their Facebook so hopefully I'm not writing about a band whom no longer exist, a promised Spring 2014 album certainly seems not to have materialised...

Anyway, "Wash Away" is great. A track that ticks pretty much all of my boxes, there's a luscious, soft vocal filled with romantic nostalgia and a melody that is awash with fuzzy/chiming guitars and strong, consistent drums. They entwine together perfectly and the result is a simple, pure moment of sun-kissed beauty. It's certainly suits a summer listen better than a pre-Christmas one, perhaps I came back to it at the right time...

"Wash Away" is available now on a pay-what-you-like basis - via Bandcamp.


  1. They were planning to release another EP or LP but they have been quiet. I sure hope they bring something out because their Spur of the Summer EP was my favourite last year.

  2. 'spur of the summer' is great. 'wash away' makes your day, EVERY TIME. can't wait for the new LP. the mites kick ass.... rv3
