Wednesday 9 January 2013

Greymouth - New Music "Introducing"


The problem with spending much of December either writing about tips for the following year and revisiting your albums of the year (and then taking a blogging break over Christmas), is that it leads to a backlog of normal posts, the bread and butter of what makes up this blog, basically me talking rubbish and giving bands who've caught my eye a few superlatives.

Here's one of those now, Greymouth, a quintet from Helsinki who landed in my inbox at the start of December and got starred for posting soon after (I try and listen to most of what comes in as soon as I can) but it's taken me about a month to make that next step, many others will no doubt take longer...

"Flying Bird" was the song I intended to write about first, a gorgeous instrument-laden (though uncluttered) folky track which floats around the beautiful ethereal vocals of the group's founder and songwriter, Elisa Husu, there's a brilliant flow to the track that pulls the listener over its gorgeous peaks of graceful craft where unobtrusive arrangements nestle alongside emotive flourishes.

Since though, Greymouth have uploaded another track (similarly available for free download via the soundcloud embed below) entitled "Paris, London", so I'll mention that one too, a wonderful meandering melody that's more confident and dynamic with a cascade of warm, atmospheric purity throughout. Equally wonderful is earlier single "Restless Passenger", which traverses haunting trad-folk plains with a rich textured sound and Elias's beguiling vocals at the fore, the repetitive banjo hook soon backed by skilfully subdued backing instrumentation.

Greymouth bring vivid imagery to mind with their music which is all kinds of lusciousness. Immerse yourself below, to repeat, all for free:

1 comment:

  1. Greymouth new music introducing is described here. Useful post.
