Thursday 4 July 2013

L'Amour Des Rêves - New Music "Introducing"


I'm currently at the stage where the only time I get to write blogs is way past midnight when I really should be in bed or at lunchtime at work when arguably my boss would prefer me to be doing something a little more 'productive'. Today I was going to write about London Grammar's new track "Strong" then I decided if you've not heard that you've probably been on Mars so decided to head into my draft folder and finish this post on Sheffield Duo Tom & Jess aka L'Amour Des Rêves instead(or The Love of Dreams if you prefer).

They recently released their debut five track EP Avec... and for those of you who want to be transported back to some point in the 60's, it's going to come as your favourite treat of the year so far. The recordings are purposely simplistic, minimal and raw with audible hiss throughout, it only adds to the charm. The five tracks come and go within ten minutes, only a fleeting trip down memory lane then, but one you'll want to take over and over again.

The duo alternate between a brash, haphazard sound heard on the wonderful "If You Got Nothing Nice To Say (Then Why Don't You Say Nothing)" where big, hollow drums echo around stark guitar riffs to a softer, girl-group sound heard on the swoon-some "(I Couldn't) Live Without You".

"What You Gonna Do?" reminds me of an unpolished Young Romance with fuzzy guitar and pounding drums, Jess has the same strength and emotion in her voice as Claire and I guess the fact that both groups are duo's of voice/drums and guitar helps that comparison too while "I Stole the Night" ends this wonderful EP on a beautifully pure note with syrupy sweet pop verses capable of melting the sternest of hearts.

After that (and a listen below) you'll probably want to grab the EP, which you can do via the magic of the internet - get it now via Bandcamp with a few remaining tapes left at Rough Trade

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