Wednesday 2 May 2012

SoftSpot #5 - The Cleansing Hour (Video)


SoftSpot, a band I've held close to my heart for a while now have stunned me again with another exquisite video, this time for their recent release "The Cleansing Hour". It's not often I double post a song and then video but I've done it for this band twice, that sums up my feeling for them better than the following words.

Directed by Ryan Dickie (who was also behind the bands video to "Half a House"), the videos sensual imagery, spiritualistic and kaleidoscopic is perfectly in key with the songs progressive shades of emotion, from the mournful opening to the shimmering birth and slow eruption of energy entwined around Sarah Kinlaw's ethereal vocals. Simply sublime.

SoftSpot are due to follow up "The Cleansing Hour" later this year in easily one of my most anticipated releases. A request, somebody please give this band some flight coupons, I need to see them in London.

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