Monday 21 February 2011

La Bête - New Music "Introducing" 

The bands facebook bio has pretty much stolen my thunder, because it is as accurate a summation as one could give:

"La Bête was conceived in north London summer 2010 by the desire to create unsettling, seductive rock 'n' roll. Dark, dissonant and hook-heavy, their sound is raw and unapologetic."

If you like some dirty, sweaty music to dance your blues away, La Bête will be right up your street, a near perfect combination of Cat Power, YYY's and PJ Harvey - so yes, pretty much the same influences as the last couple of introducing post I've done!

"Bring Your Body Home's" wonderful bluesy influenced sound injects incredibly raw energy into an undeniably punky, sleazy, trashy and sexy number.

To date they've played just a handful of gigs, the next is Wednesday, 23rd Feb (can people not schedule gigs I want to go to on Wednesday's please!) with the brilliant Cold in Berlin in Hoxton, so if you are free why not go and find out for yourself.

LA BÊTE - La Bête by La Bête

LA BÊTE - Bring Your Body Home by La Bête

1 comment:

  1. when are they coming to australia then, huh?
