Wednesday 12 January 2011

SoftSpot - New Music "Introducing" /

One of the reasons I find maintaining this blog rewarding and enjoy waffling on throughout my posts is because of discoveries like SoftSpot. I'd returned from my first outing to the gym of the year where Christmas dinners, lethargy and injury had all taken their toll, had the prospect of starting to cook a very un-exotic chicken pasta ahead but firstly I looked through my mail and discovered the video for "Bones" which you can find at the bottom of this post…

SoftSpot is Sarah Kinlaw and Bryan Keller from Brooklyn. I'd not come across them before and a quick search of Google makes it apparent that not many other bloggers have either, if talent does prevail, this should change.

"Bones" is utterly majestic, the combination of Sarah's hauntingly gorgeous vocal with a momentum building textured guitar riff that only increases with the introduction of percussion. The only downside I can find is that it's over far too soon, a song that I've listened to over and over the past couple of days and can imagine how good an extended live version would sound, a few more minutes of blistering guitar and drumming at the end, yeah, that sounds just perfect.

"Half a House" is equally impressive, a wonderful layered sound that builds up to a wave of sonic wonder, its atmospheric build-up puncturing by percussion. It's a sound that seems so carefully crafted yet performed so effortlessly.

"Irregularly Floating" will lead to Beach House comparisons with it's dreamy, relaxed and beautiful sounds, yet the quirky, uniqueness of Sarah's voice makes the sound of Softspot like no band I've heard recently.

The band released their debut nine track mini album 'Ardour' last summer which and you can get for $7.00 from their Bandcamp. Below is a track from it for you to enjoy and the video for "Bones".
This is great, right?

Softspot "Bones" from Jessica Collins on Vimeo.


  1. I just essentially reposted this post on my blog at Nice pick-up, fellow blogger.
