Wednesday 11 May 2011

Sgrow - New Music "Introducing" / Facebook

Sgrow is a new electronic duo with Kristoffer Lislegaard on electronics and baritone guitar and Vilde Nupen on vocals. They met in 2009 at the Nordic Institute for Stage and Studio in Oslo, Norway.

I don't think they've any releases yet but there are three tracks to listen to via Soundcloud which are enough for me to formulate an opinion and to file Sgrow in the promising newcomers category, "Close" fits between Portished and Bjork with a minimalist electronic approach, edgy yet cool and overwhelmingly lush. Its atmospheric introduction and ethereal vocal delivery is undeniably understated and beautiful.

"Mind Control" starts in similar vein, until at the three minute mark the volume increases in the stuttering synth glitches  before a heavy sludge of harsh guitar shatters the dreamy ambience with a brutal and glorious effect.

sgrow - Close
sgrow - Mind Control

SGROW - Mind Control Live @ Soria Moria 11.03.2011 from Kristoffer Lislegaard on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. First of all. Thank you for all your kind words. Two years after this post we finally released our debut ep. It is availible at on both vinyl and cd, and is availible in all the digital channels.
    We have also released two videos one live in our living room, and one live at our releaseconcert for the ep.

    Sgrow - Mind Control Live @ Revolver 16.03.2013:

    SGROW - Heartstrings live in our living room:

    Hope you enjoy. keep posting music
    Kristoffer Lislegaard, Sgrow.
