Wednesday 15 June 2011

Las Robertas - New Music "Introducing" + Live at The Lexington / Facebook

Until Monday if I were to have been asked to name a band from Costa Rica my face would have gone blank, however I can now name one, and a very good one at that, Las Robertas hail from the Central American Country and I saw them play their debut UK show at probably my favourite London venue, The Lexington. I found myself there not to see Las Robertas (I'd not heard of them until that day) but Echo Lake.

My fourth time since February, the London group have really put together a perfect half hour slot, an exceptional introduction in "Sunday Evening" with it's droning hypnotising intensity and foot-stomping progressive beat. "Young Silence" is transformed with rattling percussion and layer upon layer of hazy, frenzied guitar and is utterly wonderful. A new stage set-up sees the focal point move onto guitarist Thom and his energetic and vastly competent display is certainly worth the admission alone. See them next 19th July playing White Heat for their single launch (not actually sure what the single is yet but that's what the poster said!).

Las Robertas could easily hail from Brooklyn or Los Angeles for it's easy to compare them to Vivian Girls or a heavy, scuzzier Best Coast with their garage-rock influences as they work through their songs at blistering pace, fuzzed up guitar riffs buzz off the walls backed by a crashing drum beat and wonderful vocal harmonies, their hazy sun drenched vibe and youthful exuberance warms up an increasingly busy Monday night crowd.

There are some early 90's grunge sounds too, gritty noise-pop numbers such as "V For You" and "The Curse" match scuzzy, shoegaze guitar soundscapes with some incredible drumming (full credit goes to the drummer Franco, his shirt might look horrendous but he's pretty spectacular behind his kit).

Las Robertas were simply wonderful, overwhelming charming in their humourous, if a little awkward stage presence (wouldn't you on stage in a Country for the first time) and I was happy to part with £10 for their CD after the show, they forgot the T-Shirts or I might have one of them too.

You can order that CD, their album 'Cry Out Loud' here - do it, and if you are at a loose end in London on Friday (or Brighton tomorrow) go and see them live at The Shacklewell Arms, who knows when they'll next return (though you can safely say I'll be there when they do).

Las Robertas - The Curse
Las Robertas - In Between Buses
Tele - Las Robertas

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